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Titel Global phenological insensitivity to shifting ocean temperatures among seabirds / by Katharine Keogan, Francis Daunt, Sarah Wanless, Richard A. Phillips, Craig A. Walling, Philippa Agnew, David G. Ainley, Tycho Anker-Nilssen, Grant Ballard, Robert T. Barrett, Kerry J. Barton, Claus Bech, Peter Becker, Per-Arvid Berglund, Loïc Bollache, Alexander L. Bond, Sandra Bouwhuis, Russell W. Bradley, Zofia M. Burr, Kees Camphuysen, Paulo Catry, Andre Chiaradia, Signe Christensen-Dalsgaard, Richard Cuthbert, Nina Dehnhard, Sébastien Descamps, Tony Diamond, George Divoky, Hugh Drummond, Katie M. Dugger, Michael J. Dunn, Louise Emmerson, Kjell Einar Erikstad, Jérôme Fort, William Fraser, Meritxell Genovart, Olivier Gilg, Jacob González-Solís, José Pedro Granadeiro, David Grémillet, Jannik Hansen, Sveinn A. Hanssen, Mike Harris, April Hedd, Jefferson Hinke, José Manuel Igual, Jaime Jahncke, Ian Jones, Peter J. Kappes, Johannes Lang, Magdalene Langset, Amélie Lescroël, Svein-Håkon Lorentsen, Phil O’B. Lyver, Mark Mallory, Børge Moe, William A. Montevecchi, David Monticelli, Carolyn Mostello, Mark Newell, Lisa Nicholson, Ian Nisbet, Olof Olsson, Daniel Oro, Vivian Pattison, Maud Poisbleau, Tanya Pyk, Flavio Quintana, Jaime A. Ramos, Raül Ramos, Tone Kirstin Reiertsen, Cristina Rodríguez, Peter Ryan, Ana Sanz-Aguilar, Niels M. Schmidt, Paula Shannon, Benoit Sittler, Colin Southwell, Christopher Surman, Walter S. Svagelj, Wayne Trivelpiece, Pete Warzybok, Yutaka Watanuki, Henri Weimerskirch, Peter R. Wilson, Andrew G. Wood, Albert B. Phillimore, Sue Lewis
Person(en) Keogan, Katharine (Verfasser)
Daunt, Francis (Sonstige)
Wanless, Sarah (Sonstige)
Phillips, Richard A. (Sonstige)
Walling, Craig A. (Sonstige)
Agnew, Philippa (Sonstige)
Ainley, David G. (Sonstige)
Anker-Nilssen, Tycho (Sonstige)
Ballard, Grant (Sonstige)
Barrett, Robert T. (Sonstige)
Barton, Kerry J. (Sonstige)
Bech, Claus (Sonstige)
Becker, Peter (Sonstige)
Berglund, Per-Arvid (Sonstige)
Bollache, Loïc (Sonstige)
Bond, Alexander L. (Sonstige)
Bouwhuis, Sandra (Sonstige)
Bradley, Russell W. (Sonstige)
Burr, Zofia M. (Sonstige)
Camphuysen, Kees (Sonstige)
Catry, Paulo (Sonstige)
Chiaradia, Andre (Sonstige)
Christensen-Dalsgaard, Signe (Sonstige)
Cuthbert, Richard (Sonstige)
Dehnhard, Nina (Sonstige)
Descamps, Sébastien (Sonstige)
Diamond, Tony (Sonstige)
Divoky, George (Sonstige)
Drummond, Hugh (Sonstige)
Dugger, Katie M. (Sonstige)
Dunn, Michael J. (Sonstige)
Emmerson, Louise (Sonstige)
Erikstad, Kjell Einar (Sonstige)
Fort, Jérôme (Sonstige)
Fraser, William (Sonstige)
Genovart, Meritxell (Sonstige)
Gilg, Olivier (Sonstige)
González-Solís, Jacob (Sonstige)
Granadeiro, José Pedro (Sonstige)
Grémillet, David (Sonstige)
Hansen, Jannik (Sonstige)
Hanssen, Sveinn A. (Sonstige)
Harris, Mike (Sonstige)
Hedd, April (Sonstige)
Hinke, Jefferson (Sonstige)
Igual, José Manuel (Sonstige)
Jahncke, Jaime (Sonstige)
Jones, Ian (Sonstige)
Kappes, Peter J. (Sonstige)
Lang, Johannes (Sonstige)
Langset, Magdalene (Sonstige)
Lescroël, Amélie (Sonstige)
Lorentsen, Svein-Håkon (Sonstige)
Lyver, Phil O’B (Sonstige)
Mallory, Mark (Sonstige)
Moe, Børge (Sonstige)
Montevecchi, William A. (Sonstige)
Monticelli, David (Sonstige)
Mostello, Carolyn (Sonstige)
Newell, Mark (Sonstige)
Nicholson, Lisa (Sonstige)
Nisbet, Ian (Sonstige)
Olsson, Olof (Sonstige)
Oro, Daniel (Sonstige)
Pattison, Vivian (Sonstige)
Poisbleau, Maud (Sonstige)
Pyk, Tanya (Sonstige)
Quintana, Flavio (Sonstige)
Ramos, Jaime A. (Sonstige)
Ramos, Raül (Sonstige)
Reiertsen, Tone Kirstin (Sonstige)
Rodríguez, Cristina (Sonstige)
Ryan, Peter (Sonstige)
Sanz-Aguilar, Ana (Sonstige)
Schmidt, Niels M. (Sonstige)
Shannon, Paula (Sonstige)
Sittler, Benoit (Sonstige)
Southwell, Colin (Sonstige)
Surman, Christopher (Sonstige)
Svagelj, Walter S. (Sonstige)
Trivelpiece, Wayne (Sonstige)
Warzybok, Pete (Sonstige)
Watanuki, Yutaka (Sonstige)
Weimerskirch, Henri (Sonstige)
Wilson, Peter R. (Sonstige)
Wood, Andrew G. (Sonstige)
Phillimore, Albert B. (Sonstige)
Lewis, Sue (Sonstige)
Organisation(en) SpringerLink (Online service) (Sonstige)
Umfang/Format Online-Ressource : online resource.
Persistent Identifier URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018060600332574217129
DOI: 10.1038/s41558-018-0115-z
URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41558-018-0115-z
Zeitliche Einordnung Erscheinungsdatum: 2018
Sprache(n) Englisch (eng)
Beziehungen Enthalten in: Nature climate change (Bd. 8, 2.4.2018, Nr. 4, date:4.2018: 313-318)
Sachgruppe(n) 590 Tiere (Zoologie)

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