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Link zu diesem Datensatz https://d-nb.info/1163797758
Titel Study of 300,486 individuals identifies 148 independent genetic loci influencing general cognitive function / by Gail Davies, Max Lam, Sarah E. Harris, Joey W. Trampush, Michelle Luciano, W. David Hill, Saskia P. Hagenaars, Stuart J. Ritchie, Riccardo E. Marioni, Chloe Fawns-Ritchie, David C. M. Liewald, Judith A. Okely, Ari V. Ahola-Olli, Catriona L. K. Barnes, Lars Bertram, Joshua C. Bis, Katherine E. Burdick, Andrea Christoforou, Pamela DeRosse, Srdjan Djurovic, Thomas Espeseth, Stella Giakoumaki, Sudheer Giddaluru, Daniel E. Gustavson, Caroline Hayward, Edith Hofer, M. Arfan Ikram, Robert Karlsson, Emma Knowles, Jari Lahti, Markus Leber, Shuo Li, Karen A. Mather, Ingrid Melle, Derek Morris, Christopher Oldmeadow, Teemu Palviainen, Antony Payton, Raha Pazoki, Katja Petrovic, Chandra A. Reynolds, Muralidharan Sargurupremraj, Markus Scholz, Jennifer A. Smith, Albert V. Smith, Natalie Terzikhan, Anbupalam Thalamuthu, Stella Trompet, Sven J. van der Lee, Erin B. Ware, B. Gwen Windham, Margaret J. Wright, Jingyun Yang, Jin Yu, David Ames, Najaf Amin, Philippe Amouyel, Ole A. Andreassen, Nicola J. Armstrong, Amelia A. Assareh, John R. Attia, Deborah Attix, Dimitrios Avramopoulos, David A. Bennett, Anne C. Böhmer, Patricia A. Boyle, Henry Brodaty, Harry Campbell, Tyrone D. Cannon, Elizabeth T. Cirulli, Eliza Congdon, Emily Drabant Conley, Janie Corley, Simon R. Cox, Anders M. Dale, Abbas Dehghan, Danielle Dick, Dwight Dickinson, Johan G. Eriksson, Evangelos Evangelou, Jessica D. Faul, Ian Ford, Nelson A. Freimer, He Gao, Ina Giegling, Nathan A. Gillespie, Scott D. Gordon, Rebecca F. Gottesman, Michael E. Griswold, Vilmundur Gudnason, Tamara B. Harris, Annette M. Hartmann, Alex Hatzimanolis, Gerardo Heiss, Elizabeth G. Holliday, Peter K. Joshi, Mika Kähönen, Sharon L. R. Kardia, Ida Karlsson, Luca Kleineidam, David S. Knopman, Nicole A. Kochan, Bettina Konte, John B. Kwok, Stephanie Le Hellard, Teresa Lee, Terho Lehtimäki, Shu-Chen Li, Tian Liu, Marisa Koini, Edythe London, Will T. Longstreth, Oscar L. Lopez, Anu Loukola, Tobias Luck, Astri J. Lundervold, Anders Lundquist, Leo-Pekka Lyytikäinen, Nicholas G. Martin, Grant W. Montgomery, Alison D. Murray, Anna C. Need, Raymond Noordam, Lars Nyberg, William Ollier, Goran Papenberg, Alison Pattie, Ozren Polasek, Russell A. Poldrack, Bruce M. Psaty, Simone Reppermund, Steffi G. Riedel-Heller, Richard J. Rose, Jerome I. Rotter, Panos Roussos, Suvi P. Rovio, Yasaman Saba, Fred W. Sabb, Perminder S. Sachdev, Claudia L. Satizabal, Matthias Schmid, Rodney J. Scott, Matthew A. Scult, Jeannette Simino, P. Eline Slagboom, Nikolaos Smyrnis, Aïcha Soumaré, Nikos C. Stefanis, David J. Stott, Richard E. Straub, Kjetil Sundet, Adele M. Taylor, Kent D. Taylor, Ioanna Tzoulaki, Christophe Tzourio, André Uitterlinden, Veronique Vitart, Aristotle N. Voineskos, Jaakko Kaprio, Michael Wagner, Holger Wagner, Leonie Weinhold, K. Hoyan Wen, Elisabeth Widen, Qiong Yang, Wei Zhao, Hieab H. H. Adams, Dan E. Arking, Robert M. Bilder, Panos Bitsios, Eric Boerwinkle, Ornit Chiba-Falek, Aiden Corvin, Philip L. De Jager, Stéphanie Debette, Gary Donohoe, Paul Elliott, Annette L. Fitzpatrick, Michael Gill, David C. Glahn, Sara Hägg, Narelle K. Hansell, Ahmad R. Hariri, M. Kamran Ikram, J. Wouter Jukema, Eero Vuoksimaa, Matthew C. Keller, William S. Kremen, Lenore Launer, Ulman Lindenberger, Aarno Palotie, Nancy L. Pedersen, Neil Pendleton, David J. Porteous, Katri Räikkönen, Olli T. Raitakari, Alfredo Ramirez, Ivar Reinvang, Igor Rudan, Dan Rujescu, Reinhold Schmidt, Helena Schmidt, Peter W. Schofield, Peter R. Schofield, John M. Starr, Vidar M. Steen, Julian N. Trollor, Steven T. Turner, Cornelia M. Van Duijn, Arno Villringer, Daniel R. Weinberger, David R. Weir, James F. Wilson, Anil Malhotra, Andrew M. McIntosh, Catharine R. Gale, Sudha Seshadri, Thomas H. Mosley, Jan Bressler, Todd Lencz, Ian J. Deary
Person(en) Davies, Gail (Verfasser)
Lam, Max (Sonstige)
Harris, Sarah E. (Sonstige)
Trampush, Joey W. (Sonstige)
Luciano, Michelle (Sonstige)
Hill, W. David (Sonstige)
Hagenaars, Saskia P. (Sonstige)
Ritchie, Stuart J. (Sonstige)
Marioni, Riccardo E. (Sonstige)
Fawns-Ritchie, Chloe (Sonstige)
Liewald, David C. M. (Sonstige)
Okely, Judith A. (Sonstige)
Ahola-Olli, Ari V. (Sonstige)
Barnes, Catriona L. K. (Sonstige)
Bertram, Lars (Sonstige)
Bis, Joshua C. (Sonstige)
Burdick, Katherine E. (Sonstige)
Christoforou, Andrea (Sonstige)
DeRosse, Pamela (Sonstige)
Djurovic, Srdjan (Sonstige)
Espeseth, Thomas (Sonstige)
Giakoumaki, Stella (Sonstige)
Giddaluru, Sudheer (Sonstige)
Gustavson, Daniel E. (Sonstige)
Hayward, Caroline (Sonstige)
Hofer, Edith (Sonstige)
Ikram, Mohammad Arfan (Sonstige)
Karlsson, Robert (Sonstige)
Knowles, Emma (Sonstige)
Lahti, Jari (Sonstige)
Leber, Markus (Sonstige)
Li, Shuo (Sonstige)
Mather, Karen A. (Sonstige)
Melle, Ingrid (Sonstige)
Morris, Derek (Sonstige)
Oldmeadow, Christopher (Sonstige)
Palviainen, Teemu (Sonstige)
Payton, Antony (Sonstige)
Pazoki, Raha (Sonstige)
Petrovic, Katja (Sonstige)
Reynolds, Chandra A. (Sonstige)
Sargurupremraj, Muralidharan (Sonstige)
Scholz, Markus (Sonstige)
Smith, Jennifer A. (Sonstige)
Smith, Albert V. (Sonstige)
Terzikhan, Natalie (Sonstige)
Thalamuthu, Anbupalam (Sonstige)
Trompet, Stella (Sonstige)
Lee, Sven J. van der (Sonstige)
Ware, Erin B. (Sonstige)
Windham, B. Gwen (Sonstige)
Wright, Margaret J. (Sonstige)
Yang, Jingyun (Sonstige)
Yu, Jin (Sonstige)
Ames, David (Sonstige)
Amin, Najaf (Sonstige)
Amouyel, Philippe (Sonstige)
Andreassen, Ole A. (Sonstige)
Armstrong, Nicola J. (Sonstige)
Assareh, Amelia A. (Sonstige)
Attia, John (Sonstige)
Attix, Deborah (Sonstige)
Avramopoulos, Dimitrios (Sonstige)
Bennett, David A. (Sonstige)
Böhmer, Anne C. (Sonstige)
Boyle, Patricia A. (Sonstige)
Brodaty, Henry (Sonstige)
Campbell, Harry (Sonstige)
Cannon, Tyrone D. (Sonstige)
Cirulli, Elizabeth T. (Sonstige)
Congdon, Eliza (Sonstige)
Conley, Emily Drabant (Sonstige)
Corley, Janie (Sonstige)
Cox, Simon R. (Sonstige)
Dale, Anders M. (Sonstige)
Dehghan, Abbas (Sonstige)
Dick, Danielle (Sonstige)
Dickinson, Dwight (Sonstige)
Eriksson, Johan G. (Sonstige)
Evangelou, Evangelos (Sonstige)
Faul, Jessica D. (Sonstige)
Ford, Ian (Sonstige)
Freimer, Nelson A. (Sonstige)
Gao, He (Sonstige)
Giegling, Ina (Sonstige)
Gillespie, Nathan A. (Sonstige)
Gordon, Scott D. (Sonstige)
Gottesman, Rebecca F. (Sonstige)
Griswold, Michael E. (Sonstige)
Gudnason, Vilmundur (Sonstige)
Harris, Tamara B. (Sonstige)
Hartmann, Annette M. (Sonstige)
Hatzimanolis, Alex (Sonstige)
Heiss, Gerardo (Sonstige)
Holliday, Elizabeth G. (Sonstige)
Joshi, Peter K. (Sonstige)
Kähönen, Mika (Sonstige)
Kardia, Sharon L. R. (Sonstige)
Karlsson, Ida (Sonstige)
Kleineidam, Luca (Sonstige)
Knopman, David S. (Sonstige)
Kochan, Nicole A. (Sonstige)
Konte, Bettina (Sonstige)
Kwok, John B. (Sonstige)
Hellard, Stephanie Le (Sonstige)
Lee, Teresa (Sonstige)
Lehtimäki, Terho (Sonstige)
Li, Shu-Chen (Sonstige)
Liu, Tian (Sonstige)
Koini, Marisa (Sonstige)
London, Edythe (Sonstige)
Longstreth, Will T. (Sonstige)
Lopez, Oscar L. (Sonstige)
Loukola, Anu (Sonstige)
Luck, Tobias (Sonstige)
Lundervold, Astri Johansen (Sonstige)
Lundquist, Anders (Sonstige)
Lyytikäinen, Leo-Pekka (Sonstige)
Martin, Nicholas G. (Sonstige)
Montgomery, Grant W. (Sonstige)
Murray, Alison D. (Sonstige)
Need, Anna C. (Sonstige)
Noordam, Raymond (Sonstige)
Nyberg, Lars (Sonstige)
Ollier, William (Sonstige)
Papenberg, Goran (Sonstige)
Pattie, Alison (Sonstige)
Polasek, Ozren (Sonstige)
Poldrack, Russell A. (Sonstige)
Psaty, Bruce M. (Sonstige)
Reppermund, Simone (Sonstige)
Riedel-Heller, Steffi G. (Sonstige)
Rose, Richard J. (Sonstige)
Rotter, Jerome I. (Sonstige)
Roussos, Panos (Sonstige)
Rovio, Suvi P. (Sonstige)
Saba, Yasaman (Sonstige)
Sabb, Fred W. (Sonstige)
Sachdev, Perminder S., Neuropsychiater (Sonstige)
Satizabal, Claudia L. (Sonstige)
Schmid, Matthias (Sonstige)
Scott, Rodney J. (Sonstige)
Scult, Matthew A. (Sonstige)
Simino, Jeannette (Sonstige)
Slagboom, P. Eline (Sonstige)
Smyrnis, Nikolaos (Sonstige)
Soumaré, Aïcha (Sonstige)
Stefanis, Nikos C. (Sonstige)
Stott, David J. (Sonstige)
Straub, Richard E. (Sonstige)
Sundet, Kjetil (Sonstige)
Taylor, Adele M. (Sonstige)
Taylor, Kent D. (Sonstige)
Tzoulaki, Ioanna (Sonstige)
Tzourio, Christophe (Sonstige)
Uitterlinden, André (Sonstige)
Vitart, Veronique (Sonstige)
Voineskos, Aristotle N. (Sonstige)
Kaprio, Jaakko (Sonstige)
Wagner, Michael (Sonstige)
Wagner, Holger (Sonstige)
Weinhold, Leonie (Sonstige)
Wen, K. Hoyan (Sonstige)
Widen, Elisabeth (Sonstige)
Yang, Qiong (Sonstige)
Zhao, Wei (Sonstige)
Adams, Hieab (Sonstige)
Arking, Dan E. (Sonstige)
Bilder, Robert M. (Sonstige)
Bitsios, Panos (Sonstige)
Boerwinkle, Eric (Sonstige)
Chiba-Falek, Ornit (Sonstige)
Corvin, Aiden (Sonstige)
Jager, Philip L. De (Sonstige)
Debette, Stéphanie (Sonstige)
Donohoe, Gary (Sonstige)
Elliott, Paul (Sonstige)
Fitzpatrick, Annette L. (Sonstige)
Gill, Michael (Sonstige)
Glahn, David C. (Sonstige)
Hägg, Sara (Sonstige)
Hansell, Narelle K. (Sonstige)
Hariri, Ahmad R. (Sonstige)
Ikram, M. Kamran (Sonstige)
Jukema, J. Wouter (Sonstige)
Vuoksimaa, Eero (Sonstige)
Keller, Matthew C. (Sonstige)
Kremen, William S. (Sonstige)
Launer, Lenore (Sonstige)
Lindenberger, Ulman (Sonstige)
Palotie, Aarno (Sonstige)
Pedersen, Nancy L. (Sonstige)
Pendleton, Neil (Sonstige)
Porteous, David J. (Sonstige)
Räikkönen, Katri (Sonstige)
Raitakari, Olli T. (Sonstige)
Ramírez, Alfredo (Sonstige)
Reinvang, Ivar (Sonstige)
Rudan, Igor (Sonstige)
Rujescu, Dan (Sonstige)
Schmidt, Reinhold (Sonstige)
Schmidt, Helena (Sonstige)
Schofield, Peter W. (Sonstige)
Schofield, Peter R. (Sonstige)
Starr, John M. (Sonstige)
Steen, Vidar M. (Sonstige)
Trollor, Julian N. (Sonstige)
Turner, Steven T. (Sonstige)
Duijn, Cornelia M. Van (Sonstige)
Villringer, Arno (Sonstige)
Weinberger, Daniel R. (Sonstige)
Weir, David R. (Sonstige)
Wilson, James F. (Sonstige)
Malhotra, Anil (Sonstige)
McIntosh, Andrew M. (Sonstige)
Gale, Catharine R. (Sonstige)
Seshadri, Sudha (Sonstige)
Mosley, Thomas H. (Sonstige)
Bressler, Jan (Sonstige)
Lencz, Todd (Sonstige)
Deary, Ian J. (Sonstige)
Organisation(en) SpringerLink (Online service) (Sonstige)
Umfang/Format Online-Ressource : online resource.
Persistent Identifier URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018080222342723052079
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-04362-x
URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-04362-x (Open Access)
Zeitliche Einordnung Erscheinungsdatum: 2018
DDC-Notation 612.82 (maschinell ermittelte DDC-Kurznotation)
Sprache(n) Englisch (eng)
Beziehungen Enthalten in: Nature Communications (Bd. 9, 29.5.2018, Nr. 1, date:12.2018: 1-16)
Sachgruppe(n) 610 Medizin, Gesundheit

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