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Verfasser/Urheber Fārābī, Abū-Naṣr Muḥammad Ibn-Muḥammad al-
Titel des Werkes as- Siyāsa al-madanīya
Andere Titel as-Siyāsa al-madanīya
as- Siyāsa al-madaniyya
as-Siyāsa al-madaniyya
The political regime
The treatise on the principles of beings
Mabādī al-mawǧūdāt
السياسة المدنية (Arabisch, Code: ara; Schriftcode: Arab)
Quelle az-Ziriklī, "al-Aʿlām" (Bairūt, Dār al-ʿilm li-l-malāyīn, aṭ-ṭabʿa al-ḫāmisat ʿašra, aiyār/māyū 2002), VII 20
Land Sonstiges Ausland, Unbekanntes Land (ZZ)
Sprache(n) Arabisch (ara)
Typ Werk (wit)

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