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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "Indian" and "Army" and "and" and "the" and "First" and "World" and "War." and "1914" and "18"

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Link zu diesem Datensatz https://d-nb.info/gnd/1158498837
Person Sumner, Ian
Geschlecht männlich
Quelle LCAuth
Zeit Lebensdaten: 1953-
Land Großbritannien (XA-GB)
Beruf(e) Historiker
Weitere Angaben Ian Sumner is a prolific writer and researcher who specializes in local and military history. He has made a particular study of the French army and air force during the First World War, his many books on the subject including French Army 1914-18, French Poilu 1914-18 and First Battle of the Marne 1914. He is the author, with François Vauvillier, of French Army 1939-45, and has also published books on the Royal Navy, the British army, the Indian Army, the Anzacs, the German air force and the history of Yorkshire. His most recent books include They Shall Not Pass; The French Army on the Western Front 1914-1918 and Kings of the Air: French Aces and Airmen of the Great War
Typ Person (piz)

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