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Ergebnis der Suche nach: nid=1141199335

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Veranstaltung Meeting of the European Competent National Authorities Implementing the Nagoya Protocol and the corresponding EU Regulation (1. : 2017 : Putbus- Insel Vilm)
Andere Namen First Meeting of the European Competent National Authorities Implementing the Nagoya Protocol and the corresponding EU Regulation, 21 - 22 March 2017, Isle of Vilm, Germany
Quelle Internet
Zeit 21.03.2017-22.03.2017
Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (XA-DE-MV)
Geografischer Bezug Veranstaltungsort: Putbus- Insel Vilm
Typ Veranstaltung (vie)
Autor von 1 Publikation
  1. First meeting of the European Competent National Authorities implementing the Nagoya Protocol and the corresponding EU Regulation
    Meeting of the European Competent National Authorities Implementing the Nagoya Protocol and the corresponding EU Regulation (1. : 2017 : Putbus- Insel Vilm). - Bonn : Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, 2017

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