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Artikel 31 The 1856 Tsunami of Djidjelli (Eastern Algeria): Seismotectonics, Modelling and Hazard Implications for the Algerian Coast
Enthalten in Pure and applied geophysics Bd. 166, 20.02.2009, Nr. 1-2, date:02.2009: 283-300
Online Ressource
Artikel 32 The global summit on the efficacy and effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy for the prevention and treatment of non-musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review of the literature
Enthalten in Chiropractic & manual therapies Bd. 29, 17.2.2021, Nr. 1, date:12.2021: 1-23
Online Ressource
Artikel 33 Transcriptomic landscape of acute promyelocytic leukemia reveals aberrant surface expression of the platelet aggregation agonist Podoplanin
Enthalten in Leukemia Bd. 32, 23.2.2018, Nr. 6, date:6.2018: 1349-1357
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31 - 33 von 33
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