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131 - 135 von 135
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Artikel 131 Running from Paris to Beijing: biomechanical and physiological consequences
Enthalten in European journal of applied physiology Bd. 107, 16.9.2009, Nr. 6, date:12.2009: 731-738
Online Ressource
Artikel 132 T-cell activation by treatment of cancer patients with EMD 521873 (Selectikine), an IL-2/anti-DNA fusion protein
In: Journal of translational medicine Bd. 11, 7.1.2013, Nr. 1, date:12.2013: 1-12
Online Ressource
Artikel 133 The 15 August 2007 Peru Earthquake and Tsunami: Influence of the Source Characteristics on the Tsunami Heights
Enthalten in Pure and applied geophysics Bd. 166, 14.02.2009, Nr. 1-2, date:02.2009: 211-232
Online Ressource
Artikel 134 The C-terminus of the B-chain of human insulin-like peptide 5 is critical for cognate RXFP4 receptor activity
In: Amino acids Bd. 48, 11.12.2015, Nr. 4, date:4.2016: 987-992
Online Ressource
Artikel 135 Total Synthesis of Malayamycin A (I) and Analogues.
Enthalten in ChemInform Bd. 37, 2006, Nr. 38: no-no. 1 S.
Online Ressource

131 - 135 von 135
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