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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "" and "STAFFORD" and "Henry"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

21 - 29 von 29
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Artikel 21 Three new species of Plagioporus Stafford, 1904 from darters (Perciformes: Percidae), with a redescription of Plagioporus boleosomi (Pearse, 1924) Peters, 1957
In: Systematic parasitology Bd. 94, 27.1.2017, Nr. 2, date:2.2017: 159-182
Online Ressource
Artikel 22 Tobacco smoking predicts depression and poorer quality of life in heart disease
In: BMC cardiovascular disorders Bd. 13, 24.5.2013, Nr. 1, date:12.2013: 1-10
Online Ressource
Personen 23 Parker, Charles Henry
Personen 24 Northcote, Stafford Henry
1818-1887 / Politiker / Rechtsanwalt
Sachbegriffe 25 Buckinghams Rebellion
Beispiel für: Aufstand
Personen 26 Buckingham, Henry Stafford of
ca. 1454?-1483 / 2. Duke of Buckingham
Personen 27 Hatfield, Henry Stafford
Personen 28 Iddesleigh, Henry Stafford Northcote
Brit. Adeliger
Personen 29 Stafford, Timothy

21 - 29 von 29
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