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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "124964761"
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81 - 84 von 84
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Artikel 81 MFsim—an open Java all-in-one rich-client simulation environment for mesoscopic simulation
Enthalten in Journal of cheminformatics Bd. 12, 1.5.2020, Nr. 1, date:12.2020: 1-15
Online Ressource
Artikel 82 Subtoxic cell responses to silica particles with different size and shape
Enthalten in Scientific reports Bd. 10, 9.12.2020, Nr. 1, date:12.2020: 1-17
Online Ressource
Artikel 83 Synthesis and characterization of PLGA/HAP scaffolds with DNA-functionalised calcium phosphate nanoparticles for bone tissue engineering
Enthalten in Journal of materials science / Materials in medicine Bd. 31, 2.11.2020, Nr. 11, date:11.2020: 1-12
Online Ressource
Artikel 84 Ultrasmall gold and silver/gold nanoparticles (2 nm) as autofluorescent labels for poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles (140 nm)
Enthalten in Journal of materials science / Materials in medicine Bd. 31, 28.11.2020, Nr. 12, date:12.2020: 1-9
Online Ressource

81 - 84 von 84
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