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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "Martin_Luther_King"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

531 - 540 von 540
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Organisationen 531 Martin-Luther-King-Schule (Saarlouis)
Organisation (kiz)
Organisationen 532 Martin-Luther-King-Zentrum für Gewaltfreiheit und Zivilcourage
Organisation (kiz)
Organisationen 533 Martin Luther King, Jr. Labor Center (New York, NY)
Veranstaltungen 534 Martin Luther King, Jr., memorial conference on civil rights and race relations
Veranstaltungsfolge (vif)
Personen 535 Möckel, Claudia
Personen 536 Moyer, Bill
Bill Moyer has been an organizer, writer, trainer, and strategist with a wide range of social movements for over 25 years. His experience includes work with the civil rights, anti- Vietnam War, anti-nuclear energy and weapons, European nuclear disarmament, and non-intervention in Central America movements. He was staff with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference's Poor Peoples' Campaign, director of the American Friends Service Committee's Chicago open housing program, national nonviolence trainer, and co-founder of the Movement For a New Society and its Philadelphia Life Center. Currently Bill is the National Project Coordinator of the Social Movement Empowerment Project.
Personen 537 Pappas, Theodore
Personen 538 Parr, Patrick
Werke 539 Flagello, Nicolas / Passion of Martin Luther King (Umsetzung GND aus RAK-M vor 2003)
Werk der Musik (wim)
Organisationen 540 Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Organisation (kiz)

531 - 540 von 540
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