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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "PAGÈS" and "Marie"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

151 - 155 von 155
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Artikel 151 Toxicity and bacterial anti-motility activities of the hydroethanolic extract of Acacia senegal (L.) Willd (Fabaceae) leaves
Enthalten in BMC complementary medicine and therapies Bd. 21, 29.6.2021, Nr. 1, date:12.2021: 1-12
Online Ressource
Artikel 152 What evidence exists on the impact of specific ecosystem components and functions on infectious diseases? A systematic map
Enthalten in Environmental Evidence Bd. 10, 29.4.2021, Nr. 1, date:12.2021: 1-31
Online Ressource
Artikel 153 What is the evidence that ecosystem components or functions have an impact on infectious diseases? A systematic review protocol
Enthalten in Environmental Evidence Bd. 8, 21.1.2019, Nr. 1, date:12.2019: 1-11
Online Ressource
Artikel 154 What we have, what we share. Stories of Mothers and Daughters bonding through Breast Cancer
Enthalten in Revue francophone de psycho-oncologie Bd. 5, 1.3.2006, Nr. 1, date:3.2006: 79-80
Online Ressource
Artikel 155 Where are we with unintended effects in genome editing applications from DNA to phenotype: focus on plant applications
Enthalten in Transgenic research Bd. 28, 18.7.2019, Nr. 2, date:8.2019: 125-133
Online Ressource

151 - 155 von 155
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