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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "R." and "K." and "Narayan"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

161 - 170 von 170
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Artikel 161 Transgenic sugarcane with higher levels of BRK1 showed improved drought tolerance
Enthalten in Plant cell reports Bd. 42, 14.8.2023, Nr. 10, date:10.2023: 1611-1628
Online Ressource
Artikel 162 Universal DNA methylation age across mammalian tissues
Enthalten in Nature aging Bd. 3, 10.8.2023, Nr. 9, date:9.2023: 1144-1166
Online Ressource
Artikel 163 V 2 O 5 Induced Magnetic After‐Effects in Ni Zn Ferrites
Enthalten in Physica status solidi / A / Applied research Bd. 57, 2006, Nr. 2: K105-K108. 4 S.
Online Ressource
Artikel 164 Volatome finger printing of red wines made from grapes grown under tropical conditions of India using thermal-desorption gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (TD–GC/MS)
Enthalten in Journal of food science and technology Bd. 57, 9.11.2019, Nr. 3, date:3.2020: 1119-1130
Online Ressource
Werke 165 Narayan, R. K. / The man-eater of Malgudi
Werk (wit)
Werke 166 Narayan, R. K. / The guide
Werk (wit)
Personen 167 Padmanabhan Nair, Kattuparambath N.
1936- / Verf. von "Irony in the novels of R. K. Narayan and V. S. Naipaul"; Ind. Anglist; Prof., Regional Inst. of English, South India, Bangalore
Personen 168 Saxena, Ram Kishore
1936- / Mathematiker
Personen 169 Narayan, R. K.
1906-2001 / Schriftsteller
Werke 170 Narayan, R. K. / Waiting for the Mahatma
Werk (wit)

161 - 170 von 170
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