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Neuigkeiten Am Samstag, 21. September, ist die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek in Leipzig geschlossen.//On Saturday, 21 September, the German National Library in Leipzig will be closed.

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21 - 24 von 24
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Artikel 21 Frailty index and its association with the onset of postoperative delirium in older adults undergoing elective surgery
Enthalten in BMC geriatrics Bd. 23, 11.2.2023, Nr. 1, date:12.2023: 1-10
Online Ressource
Artikel 22 Optimizing pharmacotherapy and deprescribing strategies in older adults living with multimorbidity and polypharmacy: EuGMS SIG on pharmacology position paper
Enthalten in European geriatric medicine Bd. 14, 9.10.2023, Nr. 6, date:12.2023: 1195-1209
Online Ressource
Artikel 23 Patient safety, cost-effectiveness, and quality of life: reduction of delirium risk and postoperative cognitive dysfunction after elective procedures in older adults—study protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial (PAWEL Study)
Enthalten in Trials Bd. 20, 21.1.2019, Nr. 1, date:12.2019: 1-15
Online Ressource
Artikel 24 Relationship between hemoglobin and grip strength in older adults: the ActiFE study
Enthalten in Aging clinical and experimental research Bd. 36, 7.3.2024, Nr. 1, date:12.2024: 1-9
Online Ressource

21 - 24 von 24
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