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Ergebnis der Suche nach: per="Thomson," AND per="Thomas" AND Catalog=dnb
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

241 - 244 von 244
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Artikel 241 Three-prong τ decays with charged kaons
Enthalten in The European physical journal / C / Particles and fields Bd. 1, 27.2.2005, Nr. 1-2, date:3.1998: 65-79
Online Ressource
Artikel 242 Towards a global list of accepted species V. The devil is in the detail
Enthalten in Organisms, diversity & evolution Bd. 21, 22.10.2021, Nr. 4, date:12.2021: 657-675
Online Ressource
Artikel 243 Trimodal single-cell profiling reveals a novel pediatric CD8αα+ T cell subset and broad age-related molecular reprogramming across the T cell compartment
Enthalten in Nature immunology Bd. 24, 16.10.2023, Nr. 11, date:11.2023: 1947-1959
Online Ressource
Artikel 244 Untargeted metabolomics reveals N, N, N-trimethyl-L-alanyl-L-proline betaine (TMAP) as a novel biomarker of kidney function
Enthalten in Scientific reports Bd. 9, 2.5.2019, Nr. 1, date:12.2019: 1-13
Online Ressource

241 - 244 von 244
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