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Ergebnis der Suche nach: tit all "Transmission of Information"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

161 - 170 von 170
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Artikel 161 Simulation of information transmission of IoT communication nodes based on fuzzy hierarchical optical neural network
Enthalten in Optical and quantum electronics Bd. 55, 2.9.2023, Nr. 11, date:11.2023: 1-17
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Artikel 162 Synchronization and information transmission in spatio-temporal networks of deformable units
Enthalten in Pramāna Bd. 70, 11.9.2008, Nr. 6, date:6.2008: 1063-1076
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Artikel 163 Synfire chains and gamma oscillations: two complementary modes of information transmission in cortical networks
In: BMC neuroscience Bd. 14, 8.7.2013, Nr. 1, date:7.2013: 1-2
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Artikel 164 The Capacity of a Quantum Channel for Simultaneous Transmission of Classical and Quantum Information
Enthalten in Communications in mathematical physics Bd. 256, 22.03.2005, Nr. 2, date:06.2005: 287-303
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Artikel 165 The downsides of information transmission and voting
In: Public choice Bd. 173, 15.6.2017, Nr. 1-2, date:10.2017: 43-59
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Artikel 166 The effect of neural synchronization on information transmission
In: BMC neuroscience Bd. 14, 8.7.2013, Nr. 1, date:7.2013: 1-2
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Artikel 167 The Social Transmission of Information Concerning Aversively Conditioned Liquids
In: The psychological record Bd. 38, 30.5.2017, Nr. 4, date:10.1988: 557-566
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Artikel 168 Timeliness of information disclosure during the low transmission period of COVID-19: resident-level observational study in China
Enthalten in BMC public health Bd. 22, 1.3.2022, Nr. 1, date:12.2022: 1-10
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Artikel 169 Transmission of information and synchronization in a pair of coupled chaotic circuits: An experimental overview
Enthalten in European physical journal special topics Bd. 165, 20.12.2008, Nr. 1, date:12.2008: 119-128
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Artikel 170 Transmission of spiking-rate information through layered networks: the role of recurrent and feedback connections
In: BMC neuroscience Bd. 8, 6.7.2007, Nr. 2, date:7.2007: 1-2
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161 - 170 von 170
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