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61 - 63 von 63
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Artikel 61 Targeting alternative splicing as a new cancer immunotherapy-phosphorylation of serine arginine-rich splicing factor (SRSF1) by SR protein kinase 1 (SRPK1) regulates alternative splicing of PD1 to generate a soluble antagonistic isoform that prevents T cell exhaustion
Enthalten in Cancer immunology immunotherapy Bd. 72, 16.11.2023, Nr. 12, date:12.2023: 4001-4014
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Artikel 62 The Association of the First Surge of the COVID-19 Pandemic with the High- and Low-Value Outpatient Care Delivered to Adults in the USA
Enthalten in Journal of general internal medicine Bd. 37, 24.8.2022, Nr. 15, date:11.2022: 3979-3988
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Artikel 63 Update to the structured MRI report for primary staging of rectal cancer
Enthalten in Abdominal radiology Bd. 47, 26.7.2022, Nr. 10, date:10.2022: 3364-3374
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61 - 63 von 63
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