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Titel Abstracts from the NIHR INVOLVE Conference 2017 : London, UK. 28 November 2017 / by Delia Muir, Lidewij Eva Vat, Malori Keller, Tim Bell, Clara R. Jørgensen, Nanna B. Eskildsen, Anna T. Johnsen, Raksha Pandya-Wood, Steven Blackburn, Ruth Day, Carol Ingram, Julie Hapeshi, Samaira Khan, Delia Muir, Wendy Baird, Sue H. Pavitt, Richard Boards, Janet Briggs, Ellen Loughhead, Mariya Patel, Rameesa Khalil, David Cooper, Peter Day, Jenny Boards, Jianhua Wu, Timothy Zoltie, Sophy Barber, Wendy Thompson, Kate Kenny, Jenny Owen, Martin Ramsdale, Kara Grey-Borrows, Nigel Townsend, Judith Johnston, Katie Maddison, Harry Duff-Walker, Katie Mahon, Lily Craig, Rebecca Collins, Alice O’Grady, Sarah Wadd, Adrian Kelly, Maureen Dutton, Michelle McCann, Rebecca Jones, Elspeth Mathie, Helena Wythe, Diane Munday, Paul Millac, Graham Rhodes, Nick Roberts, Jean Simpson, Nat Barden, Penny Vicary, Amander Wellings, Fiona Poland, Julia Jones, Jahanara Miah, Howard Bamforth, Anna Charalambous, Piers Dawes, Steven Edwards, Iracema Leroi, Valeria Manera, Suzanne Parsons, Ruth Sayers, Vanessa Pinfold, Paul Dawson, Bliss Gibbons, John Gibson, Charley Hobson-Merrett, Catherine McCabe, Tim Rawcliffe, Lucy Frith, Bernard Gudgin, Amander Wellings, Adele Horobin, Colleen Ewart, Fred Higton, Stevie Vanhegan, Raksha Pandya-Wood, Jane Stewart, Andy Wragg, Paula Wray, Kirsty Widdowson, Lisa Jane Brighton, Sophie Pask, Hamid Benalia, Sylvia Bailey, Marion Sumerfield, Simon Etkind, Fliss E. M. Murtagh, Jonathan Koffman, Catherine J. Evans, Susan Hrisos, Julie Marshall, Lyndsay Yarde, Bren Riley, Paul Whitlock, Jacqui Jobson, Safia Ahmed, Judith Rankin, Lydia Michie, Jason Scott, Caroline R. Barker, Megan Barlow-Pay, Aisha Kekere-Ekun, Aniqa Mazumder, Aniqa Nishat, Rebecca Petley, Louca-Mai Brady, Lorna Templeton, Erin Walker, Darren Moore, Liz Shaw, Michael Nunns, Jo Thompson Coon, Paula Blomquist, Sarah Cochrane, Natalie Edelman, Josina Calliste, Jackie Cassell, Laura B. Mader, Sabine Kläger, Ian B. Wilkinson, Thomas F. Hiemstra, Mel Hughes, Angela Warren, Peter Atkins, Hazel Eaton, Julia Keenan, Fiona Poland, Helena Wythe, Amander Wellings, Penny Vicary, Carol Rhodes, Magdalena Skrybrant, Steven Blackburn, Lucy Chatwin, Mary-Anne Darby, Andrew Entwistle, Diana Hull, Naimh Quann, Gary Hickey, Krysia Dziedzic, Sabrina A. Eltringham, Jim Gordon, Sue Franklin, Joni Jackson, Nick Leggett, Philippa Davies, Manjula Nugawela, Lauren Scott, Verity Leach, Alison Richards, Anthony Blacker, Paul Abrams, Jitin Sharma, Jenny Donovan, Penny Whiting, Simon R. Stones, Catherine Wright, Kate Boddy, Jenny Irvine, Jim Harris, Neil Joseph, Michele Kok, Andy Gibson, David Evans, Sally Grier, Alasdair MacGowan, Rachel Matthews, Constantina Papoulias, Cherelle Augustine, Maurice Hoffman, Mark Doughty, Heidi Surridge, Doreen Tembo, Amanda Roberts, Eleni Chambers, Daniel Beever, Martin Wildman, Rosemary L. Davies, Sophie Staniszewska, Richard Stephens, Sara Schroter, Amy Price, Tessa Richards, Andrew Demaine, Rebecca Harmston, Jim Elliot, Ella Flemyng, Lise Sproson, Liz Pryde, Heath Reed, Gill Squire, Andy Stanton, Joe Langley, Moya Briggs, Philip Brindle, Rod Sanders, Christopher McDermott, Coyle David, Heron Nicola, Davies Simon, Wilkie Martin, Tina Coldham, Claire Ballinger, Lynn Kerridge, Mark Mullee, Caroline Eyles, Megan Barlow-Pay, Gary Hickey, Tracey Johns, Jon Paylor, Katie Turner, Lisa Whiting, Sheila Roberts, Julia Petty, Gary Meager, Anna Grinbergs-Saull, Natasha Morgan, Kati Turner, Flavia Collins, Sarah Gibson, Siobhan Passmore, Liz Evans, Stuart A. Green, Jenny Trite, Rachel Matthews, Susan Hrisos, Richard Thomson, Dave Green, Helen Atkinson, Alex Mitchell, Lynne Corner, Anne Mc Kenzie AM, Rebecca Nguyen, Belinda Frank, Ngaire McNeil, Hayley Harrison
Person(en) Muir, Delia (Verfasser)
Vat, Lidewij Eva (Sonstige)
Keller, Malori (Sonstige)
Bell, Tim (Sonstige)
Jørgensen, Clara R. (Sonstige)
Eskildsen, Nanna B. (Sonstige)
Johnsen, Anna T. (Sonstige)
Pandya-Wood, Raksha (Sonstige)
Blackburn, Steven (Sonstige)
Day, Ruth (Sonstige)
Ingram, Carol (Sonstige)
Hapeshi, Julie (Sonstige)
Khan, Samaira (Sonstige)
Muir, Delia (Sonstige)
Baird, Wendy (Sonstige)
Pavitt, Sue H. (Sonstige)
Boards, Richard (Sonstige)
Briggs, Janet (Sonstige)
Loughhead, Ellen (Sonstige)
Patel, Mariya (Sonstige)
Khalil, Rameesa (Sonstige)
Cooper, David (Sonstige)
Day, Peter (Sonstige)
Boards, Jenny (Sonstige)
Wu, Jianhua (Sonstige)
Zoltie, Timothy (Sonstige)
Barber, Sophy (Sonstige)
Thompson, Wendy (Sonstige)
Kenny, Kate (Sonstige)
Owen, Jenny (Sonstige)
Ramsdale, Martin (Sonstige)
Grey-Borrows, Kara (Sonstige)
Townsend, Nigel (Sonstige)
Johnston, Judith (Sonstige)
Maddison, Katie (Sonstige)
Duff-Walker, Harry (Sonstige)
Mahon, Katie (Sonstige)
Craig, Lily (Sonstige)
Collins, Rebecca (Sonstige)
O’Grady, Alice (Sonstige)
Wadd, Sarah (Sonstige)
Kelly, Adrian (Sonstige)
Dutton, Maureen (Sonstige)
McCann, Michelle (Sonstige)
Jones, Rebecca (Sonstige)
Mathie, Elspeth (Sonstige)
Wythe, Helena (Sonstige)
Munday, Diane (Sonstige)
Millac, Paul (Sonstige)
Rhodes, Graham (Sonstige)
Roberts, Nick (Sonstige)
Simpson, Jean (Sonstige)
Barden, Nat (Sonstige)
Vicary, Penny (Sonstige)
Wellings, Amander (Sonstige)
Poland, Fiona (Sonstige)
Jones, Julia (Sonstige)
Miah, Jahanara (Sonstige)
Bamforth, Howard (Sonstige)
Charalambous, Anna (Sonstige)
Dawes, Piers (Sonstige)
Edwards, Steven (Sonstige)
Leroi, Iracema (Sonstige)
Manera, Valeria (Sonstige)
Parsons, Suzanne (Sonstige)
Sayers, Ruth (Sonstige)
Pinfold, Vanessa (Sonstige)
Dawson, Paul (Sonstige)
Gibbons, Bliss (Sonstige)
Gibson, John (Sonstige)
Hobson-Merrett, Charley (Sonstige)
McCabe, Catherine (Sonstige)
Rawcliffe, Tim (Sonstige)
Frith, Lucy (Sonstige)
Gudgin, Bernard (Sonstige)
Wellings, Amander (Sonstige)
Horobin, Adele (Sonstige)
Ewart, Colleen (Sonstige)
Higton, Fred (Sonstige)
Vanhegan, Stevie (Sonstige)
Pandya-Wood, Raksha (Sonstige)
Stewart, Jane (Sonstige)
Wragg, Andy (Sonstige)
Wray, Paula (Sonstige)
Widdowson, Kirsty (Sonstige)
Brighton, Lisa Jane (Sonstige)
Pask, Sophie (Sonstige)
Benalia, Hamid (Sonstige)
Bailey, Sylvia (Sonstige)
Sumerfield, Marion (Sonstige)
Etkind, Simon (Sonstige)
Murtagh, Fliss E. M. (Sonstige)
Koffman, Jonathan (Sonstige)
Evans, Catherine J. (Sonstige)
Hrisos, Susan (Sonstige)
Marshall, Julie (Sonstige)
Yarde, Lyndsay (Sonstige)
Riley, Bren (Sonstige)
Whitlock, Paul (Sonstige)
Jobson, Jacqui (Sonstige)
Ahmed, Safia (Sonstige)
Rankin, Judith (Sonstige)
Michie, Lydia (Sonstige)
Scott, Jason (Sonstige)
Barker, Caroline R. (Sonstige)
Barlow-Pay, Megan (Sonstige)
Kekere-Ekun, Aisha (Sonstige)
Mazumder, Aniqa (Sonstige)
Nishat, Aniqa (Sonstige)
Petley, Rebecca (Sonstige)
Brady, Louca-Mai (Sonstige)
Templeton, Lorna (Sonstige)
Walker, Erin (Sonstige)
Moore, Darren (Sonstige)
Shaw, Liz (Sonstige)
Nunns, Michael (Sonstige)
Thompson Coon, Jo (Sonstige)
Blomquist, Paula (Sonstige)
Cochrane, Sarah (Sonstige)
Edelman, Natalie (Sonstige)
Calliste, Josina (Sonstige)
Cassell, Jackie (Sonstige)
Mader, Laura B. (Sonstige)
Kläger, Sabine (Sonstige)
Wilkinson, Ian B. (Sonstige)
Hiemstra, Thomas F. (Sonstige)
Hughes, Mel (Sonstige)
Warren, Angela (Sonstige)
Atkins, Peter (Sonstige)
Eaton, Hazel (Sonstige)
Keenan, Julia (Sonstige)
Poland, Fiona (Sonstige)
Wythe, Helena (Sonstige)
Wellings, Amander (Sonstige)
Vicary, Penny (Sonstige)
Rhodes, Carol (Sonstige)
Skrybrant, Magdalena (Sonstige)
Blackburn, Steven (Sonstige)
Chatwin, Lucy (Sonstige)
Darby, Mary-Anne (Sonstige)
Entwistle, Andrew (Sonstige)
Hull, Diana (Sonstige)
Quann, Naimh (Sonstige)
Hickey, Gary (Sonstige)
Dziedzic, Krysia (Sonstige)
Eltringham, Sabrina A. (Sonstige)
Gordon, Jim (Sonstige)
Franklin, Sue (Sonstige)
Jackson, Joni (Sonstige)
Leggett, Nick (Sonstige)
Davies, Philippa (Sonstige)
Nugawela, Manjula (Sonstige)
Scott, Lauren (Sonstige)
Leach, Verity (Sonstige)
Richards, Alison (Sonstige)
Blacker, Anthony (Sonstige)
Abrams, Paul (Sonstige)
Sharma, Jitin (Sonstige)
Donovan, Jenny (Sonstige)
Whiting, Penny (Sonstige)
Stones, Simon R. (Sonstige)
Wright, Catherine (Sonstige)
Boddy, Kate (Sonstige)
Irvine, Jenny (Sonstige)
Harris, Jim (Sonstige)
Joseph, Neil (Sonstige)
Kok, Michele (Sonstige)
Gibson, Andy (Sonstige)
Evans, David (Sonstige)
Grier, Sally (Sonstige)
MacGowan, Alasdair (Sonstige)
Matthews, Rachel (Sonstige)
Papoulias, Constantina (Sonstige)
Augustine, Cherelle (Sonstige)
Hoffman, Maurice (Sonstige)
Doughty, Mark (Sonstige)
Surridge, Heidi (Sonstige)
Tembo, Doreen (Sonstige)
Roberts, Amanda (Sonstige)
Chambers, Eleni (Sonstige)
Beever, Daniel (Sonstige)
Wildman, Martin (Sonstige)
Davies, Rosemary L. (Sonstige)
Staniszewska, Sophie (Sonstige)
Stephens, Richard (Sonstige)
Schroter, Sara (Sonstige)
Price, Amy (Sonstige)
Richards, Tessa (Sonstige)
Demaine, Andrew (Sonstige)
Harmston, Rebecca (Sonstige)
Elliot, Jim (Sonstige)
Flemyng, Ella (Sonstige)
Sproson, Lise (Sonstige)
Pryde, Liz (Sonstige)
Reed, Heath (Sonstige)
Squire, Gill (Sonstige)
Stanton, Andy (Sonstige)
Langley, Joe (Sonstige)
Briggs, Moya (Sonstige)
Brindle, Philip (Sonstige)
Sanders, Rod (Sonstige)
McDermott, Christopher (Sonstige)
David, Coyle (Sonstige)
Nicola, Heron (Sonstige)
Simon, Davies (Sonstige)
Martin, Wilkie (Sonstige)
Coldham, Tina (Sonstige)
Ballinger, Claire (Sonstige)
Kerridge, Lynn (Sonstige)
Mullee, Mark (Sonstige)
Eyles, Caroline (Sonstige)
Barlow-Pay, Megan (Sonstige)
Hickey, Gary (Sonstige)
Johns, Tracey (Sonstige)
Paylor, Jon (Sonstige)
Turner, Katie (Sonstige)
Whiting, Lisa (Sonstige)
Roberts, Sheila (Sonstige)
Petty, Julia (Sonstige)
Meager, Gary (Sonstige)
Grinbergs-Saull, Anna (Sonstige)
Morgan, Natasha (Sonstige)
Turner, Kati (Sonstige)
Collins, Flavia (Sonstige)
Gibson, Sarah (Sonstige)
Passmore, Siobhan (Sonstige)
Evans, Liz (Sonstige)
Green, Stuart A. (Sonstige)
Trite, Jenny (Sonstige)
Matthews, Rachel (Sonstige)
Hrisos, Susan (Sonstige)
Thomson, Richard (Sonstige)
Green, Dave (Sonstige)
Atkinson, Helen (Sonstige)
Mitchell, Alex (Sonstige)
Corner, Lynne (Sonstige)
AM, Anne Mc Kenzie (Sonstige)
Nguyen, Rebecca (Sonstige)
Frank, Belinda (Sonstige)
McNeil, Ngaire (Sonstige)
Harrison, Hayley (Sonstige)
Organisation(en) SpringerLink (Online service) (Sonstige)
Umfang/Format Online-Ressource : online resource.
Persistent Identifier URN: urn:nbn:de:1111-201801312711
DOI: 10.1186/s40900-017-0075-x
URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40900-017-0075-x (Open Access)
Zeitliche Einordnung Erscheinungsdatum: 2017
DDC-Notation 613 (maschinell ermittelte DDC-Kurznotation)
Sprache(n) Englisch (eng)
Beziehungen In: Research involvement and engagement (Bd. 3, 28.11.2017, Nr. 1, date:11.2017: 1-17)
Schlagwörter Gesundheitsförderung ; Gesundheit
Sachgruppe(n) 610 Medizin, Gesundheit

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