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31 - 38 von 38
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Artikel 31 ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis and Reactivity of β‐Ketosulfones
Enthalten in ChemInform Bd. 46, 2015, Nr. 22: no-no. 1 S.
Online Ressource
Artikel 32 ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of Hexahydrocarbazoles by Cyclization of 3‐(But‐3‐enyl) Indole Derivatives.
Enthalten in ChemInform Bd. 41, 2010, Nr. 13: no-no. 1 S.
Online Ressource
Artikel 33 ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of Isoprenyl Flavonoids: (+)‐Denticulaflavonol, Macarangin, and Isomacarangin.
Enthalten in ChemInform Bd. 39, 2008, Nr. 39: no-no. 1 S.
Online Ressource
Artikel 34 ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of (+)‐Lagerstronolide from (+)‐Sclareol.
Enthalten in ChemInform Bd. 39, 2008, Nr. 10: no-no. 1 S.
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Artikel 35 ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of (+)‐Thiersindole C.
Enthalten in ChemInform Bd. 39, 2007, Nr. 1: no-no. 1 S.
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Artikel 36 Chemistry of Epoxysulfones: A New Route to Polyhydroxylated Pyrrolidines.
Enthalten in ChemInform Bd. 36, 2005, Nr. 33: no-no. 1 S.
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Artikel 37 Ring-closing metathesis as key step in the synthesis of Luffarin I, 16-epi-Luffarin I and Luffarin A
In: Molecular diversity Bd. 20, 20.10.2015, Nr. 2, date:5.2016: 369-377
Online Ressource
Artikel 38 Vinylsulfones versus Alkylsulfones in the Addition to Chiral Imines. Synthesis of N‐(tert‐Butoxycarbonyl)‐L‐homophenylalanine.
Enthalten in ChemInform Bd. 37, 2006, Nr. 12: no-no. 1 S.
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31 - 38 von 38
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