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Titel Correction to: First results on survival from a large Phase 3 clinical trial of an autologous dendritic cell vaccine in newly diagnosed glioblastoma / by Linda M. Liau, Keyoumars Ashkan, David D. Tran, Jian L. Campian, John E. Trusheim, Charles S. Cobbs, Jason A. Heth, Michael Salacz, Sarah Taylor, Stacy D. D’Andre, Fabio M. Iwamoto, Edward J. Dropcho, Yaron A. Moshel, Kevin A. Walter, Clement P. Pillainayagam, Robert Aiken, Rekha Chaudhary, Samuel A. Goldlust, Daniela A. Bota, Paul Duic, Jai Grewal, Heinrich Elinzano, Steven A. Toms, Kevin O. Lillehei, Tom Mikkelsen, Tobias Walbert, Steven R. Abram, Andrew J. Brenner, Steven Brem, Matthew G. Ewend, Simon Khagi, Jana Portnow, Lyndon J. Kim, William G. Loudon, Reid C. Thompson, David E. Avigan, Karen L. Fink, Francois J. Geoffroy, Scott Lindhorst, Jose Lutzky, Andrew E. Sloan, Gabriele Schackert, Dietmar Krex, Hans-Jorg Meisel, Julian Wu, Raphael P. Davis, Christopher Duma, Arnold B. Etame, David Mathieu, Santosh Kesari, David Piccioni, Manfred Westphal, David S. Baskin, Pamela Z. New, Michel Lacroix, Sven-Axel May, Timothy J. Pluard, Victor Tse, Richard M. Green, John L. Villano, Michael Pearlman, Kevin Petrecca, Michael Schulder, Lynne P. Taylor, Anthony E. Maida, Robert M. Prins, Timothy F. Cloughesy, Paul Mulholland, Marnix L. Bosch
Person(en) Liau, Linda M. (Verfasser)
Ashkan, Keyoumars (Sonstige)
Tran, David D. (Sonstige)
Campian, Jian L. (Sonstige)
Trusheim, John E. (Sonstige)
Cobbs, Charles S. (Sonstige)
Heth, Jason A. (Sonstige)
Salacz, Michael (Sonstige)
Taylor, Sarah (Sonstige)
D’Andre, Stacy D. (Sonstige)
Iwamoto, Fabio M. (Sonstige)
Dropcho, Edward J. (Sonstige)
Moshel, Yaron A. (Sonstige)
Walter, Kevin A. (Sonstige)
Pillainayagam, Clement P. (Sonstige)
Aiken, Robert (Sonstige)
Chaudhary, Rekha (Sonstige)
Goldlust, Samuel A. (Sonstige)
Bota, Daniela A. (Sonstige)
Duic, Paul (Sonstige)
Grewal, Jai (Sonstige)
Elinzano, Heinrich (Sonstige)
Toms, Steven A. (Sonstige)
Lillehei, Kevin O. (Sonstige)
Mikkelsen, Tom (Sonstige)
Walbert, Tobias (Sonstige)
Abram, Steven R. (Sonstige)
Brenner, Andrew J. (Sonstige)
Brem, Steven (Sonstige)
Ewend, Matthew G. (Sonstige)
Khagi, Simon (Sonstige)
Portnow, Jana (Sonstige)
Kim, Lyndon J. (Sonstige)
Loudon, William G. (Sonstige)
Thompson, Reid C. (Sonstige)
Avigan, David E. (Sonstige)
Fink, Karen L. (Sonstige)
Geoffroy, Francois J. (Sonstige)
Lindhorst, Scott (Sonstige)
Lutzky, Jose (Sonstige)
Sloan, Andrew E. (Sonstige)
Schackert, Gabriele (Sonstige)
Krex, Dietmar (Sonstige)
Meisel, Hans-Jorg (Sonstige)
Wu, Julian (Sonstige)
Davis, Raphael P. (Sonstige)
Duma, Christopher (Sonstige)
Etame, Arnold B. (Sonstige)
Mathieu, David (Sonstige)
Kesari, Santosh (Sonstige)
Piccioni, David (Sonstige)
Westphal, Manfred (Sonstige)
Baskin, David S. (Sonstige)
New, Pamela Z. (Sonstige)
Lacroix, Michel (Sonstige)
May, Sven-Axel (Sonstige)
Pluard, Timothy J. (Sonstige)
Tse, Victor (Sonstige)
Green, Richard M. (Sonstige)
Villano, John L. (Sonstige)
Pearlman, Michael (Sonstige)
Petrecca, Kevin (Sonstige)
Schulder, Michael (Sonstige)
Taylor, Lynne P. (Sonstige)
Maida, Anthony E. (Sonstige)
Prins, Robert M. (Sonstige)
Cloughesy, Timothy F. (Sonstige)
Mulholland, Paul (Sonstige)
Bosch, Marnix L. (Sonstige)
Organisation(en) SpringerLink (Online service) (Sonstige)
Umfang/Format Online-Ressource : online resource.
Persistent Identifier URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018091201390284891682
DOI: 10.1186/s12967-018-1552-1
URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12967-018-1552-1 (Open Access)
Zeitliche Einordnung Erscheinungsdatum: 2018
DDC-Notation 616.994 (maschinell ermittelte DDC-Kurznotation)
Sprache(n) Englisch (eng)
Beziehungen Enthalten in: Journal of translational medicine (Bd. 16, 29.6.2018, Nr. 1, date:12.2018: 1-2)
Sachgruppe(n) 610 Medizin, Gesundheit

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