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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "" and "RUSTIN" and "Pierre"
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Artikel 1 Lipin1 deficiency causes sarcoplasmic reticulum stress and chaperone‐responsive myopathy
Enthalten in European Molecular Biology Organization: The EMBO journal Bd. 38, 2019, Nr. 1. 21 S.
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Artikel 2 Succinate detection using in vivo 1H-MR spectroscopy identifies germline and somatic SDHx mutations in paragangliomas
Enthalten in European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 13.12.2019: 1-8
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Online Ressourcen 3 Broad AOX expression in a genetically tractable mouse model does not disturb normal physiology
Szibor, Marten. - Frankfurt am Main : Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg, 2017
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Artikel 4 Expression of the alternative oxidase complements cytochrome c oxidase deficiency in human cells
Enthalten in European Molecular Biology Organization: EMBO molecular medicine Bd. 1, 2009, Nr. 1: 30-36. 7 S.
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Artikel 5 Allotopic expression of a mitochondrial alternative oxidase confers cyanide resistance to human cell respiration
Enthalten in European Molecular Biology Organization: EMBO reports Bd. 7, 2006, Nr. 3: 341-345. 5 S.
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Artikel 6 A deletion in the human QP-C gene causes a complex III deficiency resulting in hypoglycaemia and lactic acidosis
Enthalten in Human genetics Bd. 113, Nr. 2, date:7.2003: 118-122
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Artikel 7 Genotyping microsatellite DNA markers at putative disease loci in inbred/multiplex families with respiratory chain complex I deficiency allows rapid identification of a novel nonsense mutation (IVS1nt −1) in the NDUFS4 gene in Leigh syndrome
Enthalten in Human genetics Bd. 112, Nr. 5-6, date:5.2003: 563-566
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Artikel 8 A mitochondrial cytochrome b mutation but no mutations of nuclearly encoded subunits in ubiquinol cytochrome c reductase (complex III) deficiency
Enthalten in Human genetics Bd. 104, Nr. 6, date:7.1999: 460-466
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Artikel 9 No mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (COX) gene mutations in 18 cases of COX deficiency
Enthalten in Human genetics Bd. 101, Nr. 2, date:11.1997: 247-250
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Artikel 10 Clinical presentations and laboratory investigations in respiratory chain deficiency
Enthalten in Zeitschrift für Kinderheilkunde Bd. 155, Nr. 4, date:4.1996: 262-274
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