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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "Schumann," and "Sarah"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

141 - 150 von 151
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Artikel 141 Neugeborenes mit Trinkschwäche und Somnolenz am 2. Lebenstag
Enthalten in Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde Bd. 170, 18.1.2022, Nr. 2, date:4.2022: 46-49
Online Ressource
Artikel 142 Plant macrofossil data for 48-0 ka in the USGS North American Packrat Midden Database, version 5.0
Enthalten in Scientific data Bd. 11, 12.1.2024, Nr. 1, date:12.2024: 1-26
Online Ressource
Artikel 143 Recognition of microbial viability via TLR8 drives TFH cell differentiation and vaccine responses
Enthalten in Nature immunology Bd. 19, 19.3.2018, Nr. 4, date:4.2018: 386-396
Online Ressource
Artikel 144 Successful pregnancy in maple syrup urine disease: a case report and review of the literature
Enthalten in Nutrition journal Bd. 17, 12.5.2018, Nr. 1, date:12.2018: 1-7
Online Ressource
Artikel 145 Temporo-basal sulcal connections: a manual annotation protocol and an investigation of sexual dimorphism and heritability
Enthalten in Brain structure & function Bd. 228, 26.6.2023, Nr. 6, date:7.2023: 1459-1478
Online Ressource
Artikel 146 The ENIGMA Consortium: large-scale collaborative analyses of neuroimaging and genetic data
Enthalten in Brain imaging and behavior Bd. 8, 8.1.2014, Nr. 2, date:6.2014: 153-182
Online Ressource
Artikel 147 The IMAGEN study: a decade of imaging genetics in adolescents
Enthalten in Molecular psychiatry Bd. 25, 29.6.2020, Nr. 11, date:11.2020: 2648-2671
Online Ressource
Veranstaltungen 148 Ausstellung: Sarah Schumann, Expedition Heiligengrabe - Hunde und Wölfe (2006 : Hamburg)
Veranstaltung (vie)
Personen 149 Schumann, Sarah
19XX- / Ärztin
Personen 150 Schumann, Sarah
1933-2019 / Malerin

141 - 150 von 151
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