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11 - 20 von 204
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Artikel 11 The Provision of Preventive Care for Chronic Disease Risk Behaviours to People with a Mental Health Condition: A Survey of Staff from One Australian Community Managed Organisation
Enthalten in Journal of psychosocial rehabilitation and mental health 23.4.2021: 1-8
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Artikel 12 Evaluation of Dosing Strategies of N-acetylcysteine for Acetaminophen Toxicity in Patients Greater than 100 Kilograms: Should the Dosage Cap Be Used?
Enthalten in Journal of medical toxicology 21.4.2021: 1-9
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Artikel 13 Machine Learning for Supplementing Behavioral Assessment
Enthalten in Perspectives on behavior science 9.1.2021: 1-15
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Online Ressourcen 14 Drivers of future alien species impacts : An expert-based assessment
Essl, Franz. - Konstanz : KOPS Universität Konstanz, 2020
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Artikel 15 Why is it so hard to enact responsible change?
Enthalten in European Molecular Biology Organization: EMBO reports Bd. 21, 2020, Nr. 4. 3 S.
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Artikel 16 Developing the 134Ce and 134La pair as companion positron emission tomography diagnostic isotopes for 225Ac and 227Th radiotherapeutics
Enthalten in Nature chemistry 14.12.2020: 1-6
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Artikel 17 Qualitative study of patients with venous malformations: symptom experiences and content validity of patient-reported outcome measures
Enthalten in Quality of life research 4.2.2020: 1-13
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Artikel 18 Characterising organic carbon sources in Anthropocene affected Arctic upland lake catchments, Disko Island, West Greenland
Enthalten in Biogeosciences discussions 2020: 1-32
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Artikel 19 Ionophore‐Based Biphasic Chemical Sensing in Droplet Microfluidics
Enthalten in Angewandte Chemie Bd. 131, 2019, Nr. 24: 8176-8180. 5 S.
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Artikel 20 Ionophore‐Based Biphasic Chemical Sensing in Droplet Microfluidics
Enthalten in Angewandte Chemie / International edition Bd. 58, 2019, Nr. 24: 8092-8096. 5 S.
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11 - 20 von 204
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