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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "Andersen" and "Carl"
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Online Ressourcen 1 Observing many researchers using the same data andhypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty
Breznau, Nate. - Mannheim : Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim, 2023
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Artikel 2 Nitrogen oxides in the free troposphere: implications for tropospheric oxidants and the interpretation of satellite NO<sub>2</sub> measurements
Enthalten in Atmospheric chemistry and physics Bd. 23, 2023, Nr. 2: 1227-1257. 31 S.
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Artikel 3 Nitrogen oxides in the free troposphere: Implications for tropospheric oxidants and the interpretation of satellite NO<sub>2</sub> measurements
Enthalten in EGUsphere 21.07.2022: 1-47. 47 S.
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Artikel 4 Surface and subsurface Labrador Shelf water mass conditions during the last 6000 years
Enthalten in Climate of the past Bd. 16, 2020, Nr. 4: 1127-1143
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Artikel 5 Surface and subsurface Labrador Shelf water mass conditions during the last 6,000 years
Enthalten in Climate of the past discussions 2019: 1-31
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Artikel 6 Myeloproliferative Neoplasms in Danish Twins
Enthalten in Acta haematologica Bd. 139, 2018, Nr. 3: 195-198
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Artikel 7 An integrative species delimitation approach reveals fine-scale endemism and substantial unrecognized avian diversity in the Philippine Archipelago
Enthalten in Conservation genetics 23.6.2018: 1-16
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Online Ressourcen 8 Workshop report
Willet, Catherine. - Konstanz : Bibliothek der Universität Konstanz, 2015
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Artikel 9 An Antileishmanial Chalcone from Chinese Licorice Roots
Enthalten in Planta medica Bd. 60, 2007, Nr. 02: 121-123
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Artikel 10 Das Experiment: Chemische Zaubertricks
Enthalten in Chemie in unserer Zeit Bd. 9, 2004, Nr. 6: 191-193. 3 S.
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