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Artikel 1 Correction to: Intravenous immune globulin in septic shock: a Canadian national survey of critical care medicine and infectious disease specialist physicians
Enthalten in Canadian journal of anesthesia 10.3.2021: 1-2
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Artikel 2 Intravenous immune globulin in septic shock: a Canadian national survey of critical care medicine and infectious disease specialist physicians
Enthalten in Canadian journal of anesthesia 18.2.2021: 1-9
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Artikel 3 Variation in prophylactic tranexamic acid administration among anesthesiologists and surgeons in orthopedic surgery: a retrospective cohort study
Enthalten in Canadian journal of anesthesia 16.2.2021: 1-10
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Artikel 4 Red blood cell transfusion in critically ill patients with traumatic brain injury: an international survey of physicians’ attitudes
Enthalten in Canadian journal of anesthesia 22.4.2019: 1-11
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Artikel 5 Effect of age of transfused red blood cells on neurologic outcome following traumatic brain injury (ABLE-tbi Study): a nested study of the Age of Blood Evaluation (ABLE) trial
Enthalten in Canadian journal of anesthesia 26.2.2019: 1-10
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Artikel 6 Anemia prevalence and incidence and red blood cell transfusion practices in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: results of a multicenter cohort study
Enthalten in Critical care Bd. 22, 4.7.2018, Nr. 1, date:12.2018: 1-9
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Artikel 7 Association between intensive care unit occupancy at discharge, afterhours discharges, and clinical outcomes: a historical cohort study
Enthalten in Canadian journal of anesthesia Bd. 67, 27.7.2020, Nr. 10, date:10.2020: 1359-1370
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Artikel 8 Association of intensive care unit occupancy during admission and inpatient mortality: a retrospective cohort study
Enthalten in Canadian journal of anesthesia Bd. 67, 16.9.2019, Nr. 2, date:2.2020: 213-224
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Artikel 9 Convalescent plasma for adults with acute COVID-19 respiratory illness (CONCOR-1): study protocol for an international, multicentre, randomized, open-label trial
Enthalten in Trials Bd. 22, 4.5.2021, Nr. 1, date:12.2021: 1-17
Online Ressource
Artikel 10 Epidemiology of intravenous immune globulin in septic shock: a retrospective cohort analysis of the Premier Healthcare Database
Enthalten in Canadian journal of anesthesia Bd. 68, 10.8.2021, Nr. 11, date:11.2021: 1641-1650
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