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Artikel 1 Appropriate thresholds for accurate screening for β-thalassemias in the newborn period: results from a French center for newborn screening
Enthalten in Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine Bd. 59, 2021, Nr. 1: 209-216. 08 S.
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Artikel 2 Auto-deconvolution and molecular networking of gas chromatography–mass spectrometry data
Enthalten in Nature biotechnology 9.11.2020: 1-5
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Artikel 3 Erratum to: 6-week radiographs unsuitable for diagnosis of suspected scaphoid fractures
In: Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery 10.3.2017: 1
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Artikel 4 Online Studies on Variation in Orthopedic Surgery: Computed Tomography in MPEG4 Versus DICOM Format
In: Journal of digital imaging 24.1.2017: 1-8
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Artikel 5 6-week radiographs unsuitable for diagnosis of suspected scaphoid fractures
In: Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery 30.3.2016: 1-8
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Artikel 6 1st Conference Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s Disease September 17-18-19, 2008 School of Medecine Montpellier, France
Enthalten in The journal of nutrition, health & aging Bd. 12, Nr. 8, date:10.2008: 531-543
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Artikel 7 Large-Scale Analysis of 73 329 Physcomitrella Plants Transformed with Different Gene Disruption Libraries: Production Parameters and Mutant Phenotypes
Enthalten in Plant biology Bd. 7, 2005, Nr. 03: 228-237
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Artikel 8 Subfamilies of histone H3 and H4 genes are located on most, possibly all of the chromosomes in maize
Enthalten in Theoretical and applied genetics Bd. 84, Nr. 5-6, date:8.1992: 555-559
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Artikel 9 Identification of an RFLP marker tightly linked to theHt1 gene in maize
Enthalten in Theoretical and applied genetics Bd. 82, Nr. 4, date:7.1991: 393-398
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Artikel 10 Visual, vestibular and voluntary contributions to human head stabilization
Enthalten in Experimental brain research Bd. 64, Nr. 1, date:9.1986: 59-69
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