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Neuigkeiten Am Samstag, 21. September, ist die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek in Leipzig geschlossen.//On Saturday, 21 September, the German National Library in Leipzig will be closed.

Ergebnis der Suche nach: betRef=126893609X
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

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Artikel 1 Brain scans from 21,297 individuals reveal the genetic architecture of hippocampal subfield volumes
Enthalten in Molecular psychiatry 2.10.2018: 1-13
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Artikel 2 Healthy cortical development through adolescence and early adulthood
In: Brain structure & function 17.4.2017: 1-11
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Artikel 3 Human subcortical brain asymmetries in 15,847 people worldwide reveal effects of age and sex
In: Brain imaging and behavior 13.10.2016: 1-18
Online Ressource
Artikel 4 Structural asymmetries of the human cerebellum in relation to cerebral cortical asymmetries and handedness
In: Brain structure & function 26.8.2016: 1-13
Online Ressource
Artikel 5 Enlarged striatal volume in adults with ADHD carrying the 9-6 haplotype of the dopamine transporter gene DAT1
In: Journal of neural transmission 2.3.2016: 1-11
Online Ressource
Artikel 6 Causes and consequences of cerebral small vessel disease. The RUN DMC study: a prospective cohort study. Study rationale and protocol
In: BMC neurology Bd. 11, 28.2.2011, Nr. 1, date:12.2011: 1-8
Online Ressource
Artikel 7 COMPULS: design of a multicenter phenotypic, cognitive, genetic, and magnetic resonance imaging study in children with compulsive syndromes
In: BMC psychiatry Bd. 16, 26.10.2016, Nr. 1, date:12.2016: 1-10
Online Ressource
Artikel 8 Risk factors and prognosis of young stroke. The FUTURE study: A prospective cohort study. Study rationale and protocol
In: BMC neurology Bd. 11, 20.9.2011, Nr. 1, date:12.2011: 1-8
Online Ressource
Artikel 9 The EU-AIMS Longitudinal European Autism Project (LEAP): clinical characterisation
In: Molecular autism Bd. 8, 23.6.2017, Nr. 1, date:12.2017: 1-21
Online Ressource
Artikel 10 The EU-AIMS Longitudinal European Autism Project (LEAP): design and methodologies to identify and validate stratification biomarkers for autism spectrum disorders
In: Molecular autism Bd. 8, 23.6.2017, Nr. 1, date:12.2017: 1-19
Online Ressource

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