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im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

1 - 10 von 104
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Artikel 1 An “Instrumental Approach” to Study the Integration of a Computer Tool Into Mathematics Teaching: the Case of Spreadsheets
Enthalten in International journal of computers for mathematical learning Bd. 10, Nr. 2, date:5.2005: 109-141
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Artikel 2 The Experimental Mathematician: the Pleasure of Discovery and the Role of Proof
Enthalten in International journal of computers for mathematical learning Bd. 10, Nr. 2, date:5.2005: 75-108
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Artikel 3 Students’ Activity in Computer-Supported Collaborative Problem Solving in Mathematics
Enthalten in International journal of computers for mathematical learning Bd. 10, Nr. 1, date:1.2005: 49-73
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Artikel 4 Validation of Solutions of Construction Problems in Dynamic Geometry Environments
Enthalten in International journal of computers for mathematical learning Bd. 10, Nr. 1, date:1.2005: 31-47
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Artikel 5 Some didactical and Epistemological Considerations in the Design of Educational Software: The Cabri-euclide Example
Enthalten in International journal of computers for mathematical learning Bd. 10, Nr. 1, date:1.2005: 1-29
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Artikel 6 Reflections on Reflections
Enthalten in International journal of computers for mathematical learning Bd. 9, Nr. 3, date:9.2004: 359-369
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Artikel 7 Teachers’ Activities in Technology-Based Mathematics Lessons
Enthalten in International journal of computers for mathematical learning Bd. 9, Nr. 3, date:9.2004: 327-357
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Artikel 8 On the Integration of Digital Technologies into Mathematics Classrooms
Enthalten in International journal of computers for mathematical learning Bd. 9, Nr. 3, date:9.2004: 309-326
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Artikel 9 Managing the Complexity of Human/Machine Interactions in Computerized Learning Environments: Guiding Students’ Command Process through Instrumental Orchestrations
Enthalten in International journal of computers for mathematical learning Bd. 9, Nr. 3, date:9.2004: 281-307
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Artikel 10 Relations between Types of Reasoning and Computational Representations
Enthalten in International journal of computers for mathematical learning Bd. 9, Nr. 3, date:9.2004: 251-280
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1 - 10 von 104
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