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Artikel 1 Airborne observations of peroxy radicals during the EMeRGe campaign in Europe
Enthalten in Atmospheric chemistry and physics Bd. 23, 2023, Nr. 13: 7799-7822. 24 S.
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Artikel 2 Effects of transport on a biomass burning plume from Indochina during EMeRGe-Asia identified by WRF-Chem
Enthalten in Atmospheric chemistry and physics Bd. 23, 2023, Nr. 4: 2627-2647. 21 S.
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Artikel 3 Chemical and dynamical identification of emission outflows during the <italic>HALO</italic> campaign EMeRGe in Europe and Asia
Enthalten in Atmospheric chemistry and physics Bd. 23, 2023, Nr. 3: 1893-1918. 26 S.
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Artikel 4 Intercomparison of Fast airborne Ozone Instruments to measure Eddy Covariance Fluxes: Spatial variability in deposition at the ocean surface and evidence for cloud processing
Enthalten in Atmospheric measurement techniques discussions 06.10.2023: 1-37. 37 S.
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Artikel 5 The interhemispheric gradient of SF<sub>6</sub> in the upper troposphere
Enthalten in EGUsphere 24.08.2023: 1-25. 25 S.
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Artikel 6 Enhanced sulfur in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere in spring 2020
Enthalten in Atmospheric chemistry and physics Bd. 22, 2022, Nr. 22: 15135-15151. 17 S.
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Artikel 7 Distribution of hydrogen peroxide over Europe during the BLUESKY aircraft campaign
Enthalten in Atmospheric chemistry and physics Bd. 22, 2022, Nr. 14: 9483-9497. 15 S.
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Artikel 8 Effects of transport on a biomass burning plume from Indochina during EMeRGe-Asia identified by WRF-Chem
Enthalten in Atmospheric chemistry and physics / Discussions 09.08.2022: 1-48. 48 S.
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Artikel 9 Chemical and dynamical identification of emission outflows during the HALO campaign EMeRGe in Europe and Asia
Enthalten in Atmospheric chemistry and physics / Discussions 19.07.2022: 1-37. 37 S.
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Artikel 10 Enhanced sulfur in the UTLS in spring 2020
Enthalten in Atmospheric chemistry and physics / Discussions 25.04.2022: 1-23. 23 S.
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1 - 10 von 31
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