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Ergebnis der Suche nach: auRef=17006607X
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

1 - 10 von 14
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Artikel 1 Incomplete preferences, willingness to pay, and willingness to accept
Enthalten in Economic theory 8.7.2021: 1-35
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Artikel 2 Ambiguity and Awareness: A Coherent Multiple Priors Model
Enthalten in The B.E. journal of theoretical economics Bd. 21, 2020, Nr. 2: 571-612. 42 S.
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Artikel 3 Justification Logic with Confidence
Enthalten in Studia logica 21.8.2019: 1-28
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Artikel 4 Dynamic awareness and zero probability beliefs
Enthalten in Theory and decision 2.2.2017: 1-5
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Artikel 5 Fell bundles and imprimitivity theorems
Enthalten in Münster journal of mathematics 6 (2013), S. 53-83
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Artikel 6 Inner coactions, Fell bundles, and abstract uniqueness theorems
Enthalten in Münster journal of mathematics 5 (2012), S. 209-232
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Artikel 7 What Does the Equity Premium Mean?
Enthalten in The Economists' voice Bd. 2, 2005, Nr. 4. 7 S.
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Artikel 8 The Unsustainability of U.S. Trade Deficits
Enthalten in The Economists' voice Bd. 1, 2004, Nr. 3. 13 S.
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Artikel 9 Local Utility Functions and Local Probability Transformations
Enthalten in Journal of risk and uncertainty Bd. 27, Nr. 2, date:10.2003: 111-120
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Artikel 10 A Technological and Organisational Explanation for the Size Distribution of Firms
Enthalten in Small business economics Bd. 21, Nr. 3, date:11.2003: 243-256
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1 - 10 von 14
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