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Ergebnis der Suche nach: auRef=170676005
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

1 - 8 von 8
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Artikel 1 Min-Max Robust Control in LQ-Differential Games
Enthalten in Dynamic games and applications 18.1.2022: 1-59
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Artikel 2 Jump Equilibria in Public-Good Differential Games with a Single State Variable
Enthalten in Dynamic games and applications 17.1.2022: 1-29
Online Ressource
Artikel 3 Numerical Simulation of Non-cooperative and Cooperative Equilibrium Solutions for a Stochastic Government Debt Stabilization Game
Enthalten in Computational economics 15.3.2021: 1-27
Online Ressource
Bücher 4 Strategic interactions between fiscal and monetary authorities in a multi-country new-keynesian model of a monetary union
Michalak, Tomasz. - Munich : CESifo, 2009
Vorhanden in Leipzig Vorhanden in Frankfurt
Online Ressourcen 5 LQ Dynamic Optimization and Differential Games
Engwerda, Jacob Christiaan. - New York, NY : John Wiley & Sons, 2005
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Artikel 6 Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interaction in the EMU: A Dynamic Game Approach
Enthalten in Annals of operations research Bd. 109, Nr. 1-4, date:1.2002: 229-264
Online Ressource
Bücher 7 Monetary and fiscal policy interaction in the EMU
Aarle, Bas van. - Munich : CES, 2001
Vorhanden in Leipzig Vorhanden in Frankfurt
Artikel 8 Algorithms for computing Nash equilibria in deterministic LQ games
Enthalten in Computational management science Bd. 4, 8.11.2006, Nr. 2, date:4.2007: 113-140
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1 - 8 von 8
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